On Friday afternoon, I stopped by the Hallmark Store in Monroe for two birthday cards and a fleur de lis to finish decorating my Relay for Life shield for the Tournoi pageant. The lady behind the counter asked who made the shield and what it was for. When I told her that I was proud to represent the American Cancer Society's signature fundraiser for this year as Ms. Louisiana Relay for Life, she began crying. Her 26 year old daughter had been diagnosed with ovarian cancer the day before. We spent the next 20 minutes talking about our families, hospitals, treatments, and how much we both hated cancer. Before I walked away from the counter, she asked if she could please pray. She thanked God for placing people in the world who cared about others and for sending someone to listen when she needed it. As I left, she wished blessings on our fundraising efforts this year, and thanked me for being her ray of hope.
This crown is so much more than an honor. It's one of the greatest responsibilities I've ever been challenged with.
So why do I Relay? To give hope to lady behind the counter when she needed it.
How inspirational! This is what the crown is all about; touching lives and makind a difference one rhinestone at a time. Keep up the good work!