Monday, August 22, 2011

Why Do I Relay? For Me.

During my interview at the Ms. Louisiana Relay for Life pageant, a judge asked me, "What is your Relay story?" Well, here goes...

In March of 1999, I found a small lump in my left breast. It was Good Friday and my family was in Pennsylvania for the Easter holiday. After ten days of worrying on vacation, I arrived back in Monroe, and had an appointment with the doctor a week later. During those two and a half weeks, the lump grew to baseball sized. Freaked out doesn't begin to cover it. My physician immediately referred me to a surgeon, and a week later, I was hospitalized for the first time in my life, and the lump was removed. I waited on pins and needles for another week waiting on the biopsy results, and finally got the phone call. I was 22 years old.

While I was in Pennsylvania, unbeknownst to me, one of my coworkers had set up a meeting with me and three representatives of the American Cancer Society regarding their upcoming Relay for Life. Somehow this meeting did not get put on my calendar, and I had no idea of it until they walked through the door of my office. They walked in FIFTEEN MINUTES after I heard the words, "YOU DON'T HAVE CANCER." I was so grateful, so joyful, I truly believe the American Cancer Society could have asked me for the moon, and I would have gotten NASA on the phone for negotiations. Instead, they asked me to be the Chairperson of Ouachita Parish's Relay for Life. I said, "YES!" Of course, I had never been to a Relay and had no idea what a Relay was, but that didn't stop me from taking on the project for the next two years.

So why do I Relay? I Relay so everyone can be given the chance to reach for the stars and live their dreams. I Relay so everyone can hear those precious words, "YOU DON'T HAVE CANCER."

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